Thursday, September 15, 2011

A really great day

Today was just a really fantastic day... Probably in the top ten ever. We got to the orphanage around 8a. Anya wrote the letter saying she wanted to be adopted, we got a question on the birth certificate answered definitively the way it needed to be, got nearly all the documents we needed, and of course spent a great day with Anya and all the kids.

Anya insisted on changing her entire name... A little sad because I actually love her name Anya but happy she was comfortable telling us that much. She chose Amber Noelle. It will take some getting used to.

We talked and played a lot. UNO... The iPad was a huge hit. Delivered the NHFC packages... Except one where the girl moved to the trade school. The iPad has been great... Not only the games but we showed some picture and video of host families as well as one girl used it to write a short letter back to her host family... Which I was already able to send.

The kids and staff liked to talk and look at the photos a lot. I have not ever heard of such a supportive orphanage... Not even close. For whatever reason the kids understand that families are good, the realities of their situation, but at the same time have a healthy relationship with their school mates. I can assume it is a culture built by the staff and it is very healthy... And it is a poor orphanage so they do with little.

Our daughter Ashley instantly found several new best friends. She was having such a good time she asked if she could stay... Um no... But I did smile... I didn't want to leave this evening either even knowing I'll be back bright and early tomorrow.

This summer Amber had asked us if we were going to adopt any more kids after her... Wanting a no, and no was our plan. Today she asked if we were going to host or adopt any more after her... And then said she had several suggestions, specifically the adorable little girl standing next to her and wearing a pair of the ear rings we gave her yesterday.

Some of the other girls we know were giving me hugs... At one point Amber said to one of them "my dad"... I noticed she had been a little jealous and cuddling closer most of the day, wasn't minding and she was clearly happy. They were all her good friends. At the end of our time Amber said she was going to be standing there right at the driveway when we come tomorrow.

Current Prayer requests...
0. Melissa gets over her sinus infection
1. That the mayor is in early tomorrow and signs our document
2. That the inspector is in tomorrow and signs the corrected school documents
3. That we can get everything on the train to the SDA tomorrow evening
4. That the discussion at the courthouse goes well tomorrow
5. For a near term court date with a good judge



  1. Congratulations!!! Wonderful News

  2. How exciting! I happened upon your blog via Facebook's Adoptive Parents of Ukrainian Children. I remember that day when my son had to write his letter. He had just turned 9, but had had little education by that time. His handwriting was beautiful, but he didn't know how to form words into sentences on paper to be able to write the letter. He got lots of help from our translator and from the social worker. However, the orphanage director was not happy that she had not been invited to the "party." So, she had him do it again. And, it's great you have found such a caring orphanage. Our experience was not so great. I hope you don't mind if I come back to read mor
